"Illegibility comes from complexity without clarity."

This past summer, I gave a lecture at a web conference and afterward got into a fascinating conversation with a young digital design student. It was fun to compare where we were in our careers. I had fifteen years of experience designing for web clients, she had one year, and yet some how, we were in the same situation: we enjoyed the work, but were utterly confused and overwhelmed by the rapidly increasing complexity of it all. What the hell happened? (That’s a rhetorical question, of course.)

From Everything Easy is Hard Again, an important perspective on web design by Frank Chimera.

Spent some time in the Gapingvoid Culture Design Group archives. I liked these in particular.

Simplicity is Complexity Resolved - Gapingvoid

The Psychology of Sugar Water - Gapingvoid

When Small Becomes Tall - Gapingvoid

On hope

Two recent perspectives, both nourishing: from Mariame Kaba and Perdita Finn.

I also appreciated Toi Smith’s most recent newsletter which included a summary of Alexis Pauline Gumbs' 100 days ritual.

a question you didn't know you had