Tools updates 11.2024
Browser: Arc Browser for Windows was life-changing a few months ago, but it’s a bit slow on my computer so I’m trying out Zen Browser this week.
Read-it-later: Omnivore is shutting down, and I just haven’t been able to get into Readwise. I’m going to try Raindrop, which is more of a bookmarking tool but may work for my use cases.
Email: Still trying out Spark. Not bothering with the AI features but I like the “set aside” feature, the home screen, and the sorting. Not sure if I’ll stick with it but I like it for now.
Task management: Giving another fresh start to Sunsama. I loved Sunsama for a while, but things got too fragmented (too much backlog, inability to predictably plan my workdays) so I’m starting fresh again.
RSS reader: Haven’t been able to commit to one. Would like to.
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